Bobcat on the Front Line in Works for the Jubilee in Rome

Posted: 17 June 2024

There is great expectation among the faithful around the world, for the Jubilee 2025, renamed the Jubilee of Hope, an event held every 25 years to mark a Holy Year of grace and forgiveness.

The next Jubilee year will begin on 24 December 2024 with an event where the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome will be opened and is expected to be the most attended ever, with the historical moment marked by dramatic international events and an expected 32 million pilgrims visiting St. Peter's Square.

An event of this magnitude requires a number of interventions to ensure the best accessibility for the millions of pilgrims and visitors who will pass through the walls of Rome to be part of the occasion. Particular attention is being paid to the access routes to the Jubilee sites and to the renovation of the historic pavements, roads and streets in Rome.

In fact, many Roman streets still retain today the ancient paving design of old, made up of cubic pavement stones called ‘sanpietrini’ and many of these are used in the historic centre of Rome and in St. Peter's Square, which contribute to preserving the authentic atmosphere of the city and offering a journey into the past of this thousand-year-old city.

Construction Sites Entirely Entrusted to Bobcat

The company, Squalo 7 Srl, based in Rome, is an expert in road works and has been entrusted with the task of resurfacing and upgrading the historical paving of the streets adjacent to the plaza and colonnades of St. Peter's Square.

A close-up daytime shot of two Bobcat machines and their operators, with one machine actively scooping up cobblestones using a bucket attachment.