Service & Maintenance Videos

Regular maintenance can extend the life of your equipment. Protect your investment by learning how to perform regular maintenance yourself. View any of our service videos to learn how to maintain your equipment. For additional maintenance information, refer to your operation and maintenance manual.

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58 Results
Replace Engine Coolant on Toolcat Bobcat Coolant Toolcat Video Thumbnail

Replace Engine Coolant on Toolcat

Learn how to replace the coolant in a Bobcat Toolcat Utility Work Machine, by watching this tutorial video with all the steps for successful completion.
Install & Remove the Front-End Loader Side view of removing the front-end loader from a Bobcat compact tractor.

Install & Remove the Front-End Loader

Replace Engine Coolant on Bobcat R-Series Loaders Closeup Image of an Operator replacing coolant in a Bobcat S76 Skid-Steer Loader

Replace Engine Coolant on Bobcat R-Series Loaders

Learn how to replace engine coolant on the Bobcat R-Series skid-steer loaders and compact track loaders for the 60, 70 and 80 series in this step-by-step guide.
Replace Coolant on Bobcat R-Series Loaders Technician adding Bobcat coolant to an R-series Loader

Replace Coolant on Bobcat R-Series Loaders

Check and Replace Chaincase Fluid on Bobcat Skid-Steer Loaders A Bobcat technician pumping new fluid into the chaincase.

Check and Replace Chaincase Fluid on Bobcat Skid-Steer Loaders

Replace the R-Series Style Filters on Tier 4 Bobcat Engines Technician applies a thin layer of clean oil on the filter O-rings.

Replace the R-Series Style Filters on Tier 4 Bobcat Engines

Learn how to replace the R-Series filters for fuel filter, pre-filter and the fuel tank vent filter on tier 4 Bobcat engines in this step-by-step video guide.
Check & Change Axle Fluid on Toolcat Bobcat Axle Fluid Toolcat Video Thumbnail

Check & Change Axle Fluid on Toolcat

Learn how to check and change axle fluid in a Bobcat Toolcat Utility Work Machine, by watching this tutorial video with all the steps for successful completion.
Lift & Tilt Compensation for R-Series-Loader Bobcat Company Logo

Lift & Tilt Compensation for R-Series-Loader

Learn how to use the lift and tilt compensation for R-Series loaders, by watching this tutorial video with all the steps taking you through the procedure.
Bulk Fuel Storage & Considerations for Tier 4 Engines Operator filling up diesel in Bobcat T770 compact track loader.

Bulk Fuel Storage & Considerations for Tier 4 Engines

vérifier et remplacer le liquide du carter de chaîne sur les chargeuses compactes A Bobcat technician pumping new fluid into the chaincase.

vérifier et remplacer le liquide du carter de chaîne sur les chargeuses compactes

Daily Inspection of Your Bobcat Loader Video about how to inspect your Bobcat skid-steer or compact track loader.

Daily Inspection of Your Bobcat Loader

Grease Bobcat Compact Excavator Video about how to grease your Bobcat compact excavator.

Grease Bobcat Compact Excavator